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Using Your Platform to Make a Positive Impact

Beauty pageants are not just about looks and glamour, but also about making a difference in the community. As a girl participating in a beauty pageant, you have the opportunity to use your platform to give back and make a positive impact. Here are ten community service ideas to help you use your platform to make a positive impact in your community: 

  1. 1. Volunteer at a local animal shelter or rescue organization. You can help with tasks such as walking dogs, cleaning cages, or fostering animals.
  2. 2. Host a charity walk or run to raise money for a cause you care about, such as a cancer research organization or a local children’s hospital.
  3. Organize a food drive for a local food bank or homeless shelter. You can encourage your community to donate non-perishable items such as canned goods, cereal, and pasta.
  4. 3. Host a fundraiser for a charity that helps women and girls, such as a girls’ education program or a women’s shelter.
  5. 4. Start a mentoring program for young girls in your community. You can connect with local schools and organizations to find mentees and provide them with guidance and support.
  6. 5. Organize a beach or park clean-up day to help preserve the environment in your community.
  7. 6. Volunteer at a nursing home or hospice center. You can spend time with patients, read to them, or play games with them.
  8. 7. Host a clothing drive for a charity that provides clothing for people in need, such as a homeless shelter or a disaster relief organization.
  9. 8. Start a fundraising campaign to provide clean water to communities in need around the world.
  10. 9. Organize a toy drive for a children’s hospital or a children’s charity. You can encourage your community to donate new toys and games to brighten up the lives of sick children.

As All-American Jr. Teen Miss California Tourism, I have a unique opportunity to make a positive impact in my community, and I want to inspire future Queens to do the same.  

These community service ideas are just a few examples of how you can use your platform to give back and make a difference. By getting involved in community service, you can show others that beauty comes from within and that helping others is one of the most beautiful things you can do!


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